Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Practice new ways of thinking to manage your depression & anxiety

At Innova Recovery, individuals can heal painful thought patterns through trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

What we do & what we think influence how we feel

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of talk therapy based on changing maladaptive thoughts. It has been proven to treat several conditions, primarily depression, anxiety, and insomnia. At its core, CBT maintains that all human core beliefs can be classified in one of three categories:

Beliefs about self

Thoughts such as “I am not good enough” and “I will never be okay” fuel depression and keep you stuck.

Beliefs about others

Beliefs such as, “Other people cannot be trusted” can interfere with building and keeping relationships, keeping you isolated.

Beliefs about the future

Thoughts, such as “Things will never get better” can create a sense of hopelessness.

Problems arise when individuals develop faulty core beliefs in these areas. Individuals then learn patterns of behaving that align with these negative core beliefs.

4 Examples of Cognitive Distortions Identified in CBT

These negative errors in thinking mentioned above are referred to as cognitive distortions. Over time, disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), and more can develop as a result of these cognitive distortions. Below are four examples of cognitive distortions identified in CBT.


Using a single incident to develop a rule. Words like “always” and “never” are often used to describe “lessons learned” from events experienced.

Magnifying Negatives

Overemphasizes negative consequences, making them worse than they really are.

Minimizing Positives

Minimizing positive effects - usually happens while maximizing the negative.


Assuming the worst will happen.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at Innova Recovery

CBT can be done in a group or individual setting at our trauma treatment center. It often includes worksheets to practice challenging these cognitive distortions and replacing them with more healthy and balanced beliefs. As one is able to identify and label these negative patterns, it becomes easier to replace them with more adaptive beliefs. Thus cognitive therapy has proven effective in treating various mental health conditions.

Innova Recovery helps people learn to identify and change destructive thought patterns that influence behaviors or emotions through a variety of treatment modalities. Learn more about all the treatment options available at our treatment center.

How it Works

Changing your thoughts is just a phone call away!

Bried Assessment

Brief Assessment

Call or text to speak with a coordinator who will help you determine your goals.

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Get matched with a therapist trained to help you meet your goals.

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Online & in-person Therapy

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Being your journey to overcoming negative thought patterns.

We’re here to help you get the care you need. Take our quiz to understand your trauma.

Negative thought patterns can develop after a trauma. Take a brief quiz to learn more about how your trauma may be effecting your thoughts.